I’m back! The old blogging mojo that had seemed to have up sticks and deserted me over the last few months, has, I’m pleased to say, decided to play game again and the trusty typing finger is keen to tap out something that might or might not be remotely interesting! I have to admit that one of the reasons why I’ve been quiet on here is because I’ve been suffering from blog envy! There are so many really professional looking blogs out there. Beautifully written, gorgeous images and really eye-catching and cleverly designed. And then there’s mine, which is none of the above.Some people have shoe envy, I have blog envy! But hey-ho, time to put the green-eyed monster away and as they say, let’s get this show on the road!

Let me introduce you to a Danish word that you might not have heard before, but it’s my word of the moment! The word  is “hygge” pronounced “hooga” Hygge means creating a warm, inviting atmosphere, and enjoying the good things in life with good people.It’s a difficult word to translate, but probably the best English equivalent is “cosiness”


Hygge comes into its own as the nights draw in, the days are short and the temperature drops. Think candlelight..that’s hygge. Think a woodburner burning, throws, cushions…that’s hygge. Scented candles…hygge. Hot chocolate or mulled wine…hygge. Enjoying a meal around the table with friends…hygge again! It’s not restricted to winter, but probably applies more. It obviously works for the Danes, as the Danish are reputed to be the happiest people in the world!

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I first discovered the concept of hygge when I found Kayleigh Tanner’s fab blog Hello Hygge by chance when scrolling through my Twitter feed. It got me thinking. Why mourn the passing of summer and dread the thought of several months of winter? Why not enjoy it instead by embracing hygge? I decided to investigate more and discovered a very good article on The Telegraph website. I was by now hygge hooked and went about buying candles, a gorgeous Jo Malone one (a late birthday present treat) and a Yankee Candle Christmas Cookie one for the kitchen. Mr R is a bit bemused by all the candles and bowls of homemade soup, and isn’t, as yet, a hygge convert, but I’m working on it. Next on my “to get” list are throws, and winter cushions in aubergine tones. Danes apparently, have summer and winter cushions, a  fact I discovered in Helen Russell’s very enjoyable book, The Year of Living Danishly.

the year of living danishly

As well as my hygge love, I have to admit to having become a bit Denmark obsessed and now really, really want to experience all things Danish by visiting the country most probably famous here as being the birth place of Lego. Meanwhile, I’m off to light my candles, warm up some soup and snuggle in front of the fire …sadly a gas one, but it’ll do!

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