

Hi, I’m Brigitte and welcome to my blog !

I first decided to start a blog sometime before I got married in 2012. I didn’t have a clue how to go about creating a blog. I came from an age when the only keyboard you clapped eyes on was that of a typewriter, and even then I was woefully hopeless and only ever mastered one finger typing! Creating my  first blog A Fifty something Bride was very much a case of trial and error, and boy was there lots of errors! Despite it looking amateurish and the writing was even more so, I was incredibly proud of it and felt a huge buzz of excitement and achievement whenever I pressed the publish button.

That first blog was very much about planning mine and Mr R’s forth coming nuptials. Once the deed had been done, blog number one was put to bed, and blog number two was born. You might think that there was a distinct lack of imagination with my choice of title, but I wanted it to be a continuation of Something Bride. Same random posts, same amateurish writing. If you want to follow an all singing, all dancing blog, then you are going to be sorely disappointed. But if you want to read my ramblings about anything and everything, then you will make this one finger typist very happy indeed!

So, apart from being a dinosaur when it comes to understanding anything remotely technical to do with computers, what can I tell you about me.

1. Ignore the title of my blog. I’ve now crossed over to the sensational sixties. I just couldn’t work out how to change the blog name!

2 I’m married to Mr R. Height wise we are totally incompatible. He is 6ft 6. I am 5ft nothing. We look silly walking hand in hand but we really don’t give a hoot!

3 I am mother to son number one and son number two. Both are now big and one is now a husband and a dad. Despite them being big, I still worry that they might burn themselves when they make hot drinks.

4. I am a nana to two little pickles.

5. My job means that at Christmas I get to use a lot of glitter…YAY! The downside is that I have to stand in a wet or cold playground and prevent children from getting into a flap when a game of ‘It’ goes horribly wrong!

6. I have applied twice for The Great British Bake Off. Why I’m not in that tent is a mystery!!

7. One day I will live in Penzance. Just waiting for my not yet published best selling book to make my fortune. I’ve earmarked Colin Firth and Lesley Manville to play the leads in the film version!

8. My legs are too short and thick to wear boots. I would really, really love to wear boots !

9. I’m a WI member. I cannot make jam, knit, craft or arrange flowers, but that’s alright because the WI is much more than that.

10. I cannot keep up a healthy eating and exercise regime.


2 thoughts on “About”

  1. boots…i discovered duo boots some time ago who sell by foot size and by calf size…they recently changed hands and now call themselves Ted and Muffy… I don’t know if they kept the sell by calf size thing…before I found them I had given up on ever wearing boots

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I walked past their shop in Milsom Street in Bath only last week. I didn’t notice a name change, but they were still advertising that they did different calf measurments. I need to hint to Mr R very loudly and frequently that his wife would love a Christmas present that’s boot shaped!


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