Poor Mr R. So rudely awaken from his slumbers on Saterday morning by the sight of a rather hysterical wife punching the air whilst shouting Yes, Yes, Yes in nothing more than a towel! And the reason for this sudden uncharacteristic outburst? Well, I only went and lost a whopping 8lbs. That’s over half a stone and its almost the same weight as my eldest when he has born and he weighed a ton!


So, has the healthy eating regime been a success so far? Well that’s a big resounding yes! And has it been hard? No, not at all. Not even when Mr R sat next to me on the sofa and waffed a box of Thorntons chocolates under my nose.But I stayed strong and resisted temptation and felt better for it. Have I been hungry? No to that one. I make sure I eat well at breakfast and have a small healthy snack between meals that will help keep my blood sugar levels stable.Have I denied myself treats? No, I had two glasses of red wine at the weekend. I would rather that than crisps, chocolate or cakes. Once I start munching on those I find it hard to stop. With wine, I’ve usually ended up passing the glass over to Mr R before I’ve finished it. I just can’t drink as much as I used to!


I didn’t have a weight problem until after the birth of my boys. Before that I used to get panicky if I reached a size 12 and would seriously go for the burn exercising to my Jane Fonda LP wearing my lycra leotard and rather natty leg warmers to shift those unwanted pounds.. Most of the time my default weight was around 8 stone and I hovered between a size 8 and 10.As a child there were concerns that I was underweight. A fact thats hard to believe these days. My mum’s side of the family have always battled with weight issues, whilst my dad’s side have all been very slim. When my mum married my dad he was less than 8 stone! I know that some say that your weight has nothing to do with genetics but I’m convinced my size 10 sister inherited my dad’s genes, whilst Two Tonnes Tess me drew the short straw and inherited my mothers.I love my sister dearly but the green eyed monster does rather resent the fact that she can eat anything and not gain a pound whilst I only have to get a whiff of a baking bun and I’ve gained yet another stone!


My weight steadily crept up after Jack was born. I quickly went from a size 10 to 12, 14. 16 and finally an 18. I stopped wearing figure hugging clothes and moved into the elasticated waist territory. The more voluminous my clothes the better. Then I would lose weight, put it back on. Lose it again, put it back on. In other words a typical yo yo dieter. All along though the only worry I had was the fact that I looked rubbish. Any worries about the impact on my health was put to the back of my mind. That’s until now. The biggest wake up call was reading a doctors notes recently that referred me to as a lady with a high BMI. A rather polite way to say that I was fat!


Taking charge of what I put into my body has given me back my bounce. Yes, I have a long way to go, but nothing keeps you more motivated than seeing the numbers on those scales get smaller not bigger. I went into a clothes shop the other day and actually looked at clothes and thought, yes. I could look good in that one day soon.I can’t wait to go on a shopping trip and come back laden with carrier bags instead of the usual pack of socks or big knickers!


The best bit though of all though has been the support I’ve had from everyone. From friends in real life and through Twitter and Facebook, it’s been just amazing. Belonging to The Hairy Bikers Diet Club has helped me keep an eye of what I’ve been eating and post to my hearts content on the forums. Of course I have a bit of a crush on Dave and Si.But shush don’t tell anyone I said that!


So all in all a bit of a brilliant week. I must finish now as I have to go and enjoy a beef in red wine casserole! See you all soon!

Brigitte xx